The most influential specialist on cr together with robert b. Pdf contrastive rhetoric download read online free. Articles new directions in contrastive rhetoric 493 1966. Download citation on oct 31, 2009, alan hirvela and others published contrastive rhetoric. This volume explores the field of contrastive rhetoric, the stu. Linguistics devoted an entire issue to contrastive rhetoric kaplan, 1984. Intercultural rhetoric ir is the study of written discourse between and among individuals with different cultural backgrounds. Connor, ulla the book is an introduction to the field of contrastive rhetoric, an area of research in second language learning that identifies learners problems in composition and attempts to explain them by referring to the rhetorical strategies of the first language. It also studies the cognitive dimensions of transfer in relation to both writing and speech. It presents a comprehensive view of the research in. A grand theory of contrastive rhetoric of the sort that kaplan envisioned may not be forthcoming but the following bibliography should provide the researcher interested in.
Connor, 9780521446884, available at book depository with free delivery worldwide. This volume explores the field of contrastive rhetoric, the study of how a persons first language and culture influence his or her writing in a second language. Connor is available at in several formats for your ereader. Intercultural rhetoric in the writing classroom the. Ulla connor is professor of english and director of the indiana center for intercultural communication at indiana university in indianapolis. Connor, u 2002 new directions in contrastive rhetoric. Crosscultural aspects of second language writing cambridge applied linguistics series by ulla m. Ulla connor, intercultural rhetoric in the writing. Citeseerx from contrastive to intercultural rhetoric. This article discusses some of the new directions contrastive rhetoric has taken. Born within the frame of applied linguistics and secondlanguage acquisition, contrastive rhetoric cr is an interdisciplinary field that has led to some very productive research in the field of writing in.
Liebman, 1992 call old con trastive rhetoric, while failing to evolve with the subsequent development of new contrastive rhetoric research. Crosscultural aspects of second language writing cambridge applied linguistics by connor, ulla m. Eric ej662865 new directions in contrastive rhetoric. Contrastive rhetoric encourages inquiry into various levels of discourse and text, examining the conventions and rhetorical structures of l1 and their influence on the use of another language.
The main contention at the heart of this hypothesis recently referred to as intercultural rhetoric by ulla connor but in this paper both are. Although mainly concerned with student essay writing in its first 30 years, the area of study today contributes to knowledge about preferred patterns of writing in many english for specific. New directions in contrastive rhetoric, tesol quarterly. Cambridge applied linguistics contrastive rhetoric. New directions in contrastive rhetoric new directions in contrastive rhetoric connor, ulla 20021201 00. Implications for the current teaching of english writing at universities in japan ferred patterns of writing are genre dependent. Instead, differences may reflect different writing conventions that have been learned. Contrastive rhetoric began in 1966 as ulla connor contrastive rhetoric and contrastive analysis are both fields of. Ulla connor, title articles new directions in contrastive rhetoric 493.
Contrastive rhetoric isbn 9780521441452 pdf epub ulla m. Its early days of being perceived as intellectually intriguing and pedagogically. The middle to late 1980s saw the publication of ulla connor and robert kaplans writing across languages 1987 and purves writing across language and cultures 1988. Contrastive rhetoric ulla m connor by sebastianpinson issuu. Indiana universitypurdue university at indianapolis, cavanaugh hall, room 129, 425 university.
International journal of applied linguistics, 18 3, 299302. Orientalism and contrastive intercultural rhetoric. Conner ulla contrastive rhetoric cross cultural aspects of second language from engl 2010 at utah valley university. Under the umbrella of contrastive rhetoric and pragmatics, students will explore interdisciplinary intersections among theoretical frames and methodologies in linguistics and rhetoric with the goal of locating new kinds of questions and problems not typically considered within traditional disciplinary boundaries. Second language writing from an intercultural rhetoric perspective. A response to what said has said 34 anything, or whether any and all representations, because they are representations, are embedded first in the language then in the culture, institutions, and political ambience of the representer interwoven with a.
Crosscultural aspects of second language writing cambridge applied linguistics 9780521446884. Crosscultural aspects of secondlanguage writing cambridge. New directions in contrastive rhetoric connor 2002. Connors work had been a common point of reference during my career. Reviews research on contrastive rhetoric over the past 30 years and examines how contrastive rhetoric has been pursued with varying aims and methods in a variety of englishasaforeignlanguage efl situations. Ulla connor, intercultural rhetoric in the writing classroom.
Contrastive rhetoric contrastive rhetoric is the study of how a persons first language and culture influence hisher writing in a second language. The early contrastive rhetoricbased pedagogy, however, uncritically accepted what some researchers e. Volume 3, issue 4, pages 2759 october 2004 download full issue. Reviews research on contrastive rhetoric over the past 30 years and examines how contrastive rhetoric has been pursued with varying aims and methods in a variety of englishasaforeignlanguage efl situations involving academic and professional writing. Four chapters provide ethnographies and observations about contrastive rhetoric and the teaching of efl and esl. Review of intercultural rhetoric in the writing classroom. Interview with ulla connor connecting repositories. This volume explores contrastive rhetoric for audiences in both esl contexts and international efl contexts, exposing the newest developments in theories of culture and discourse and pushing the boundaries beyond any previously staked ground. Cambridge university press writing ulla connor frontmatter. Several unpublished manuscripts, theses, and dissertations on contrastive rhetoric also. The essays in this volume explore the field of contrastive rhetoricthe study of how a persons first language l1 and culture influence the acquisition of another language. This volume explores the field of contrastive rhetoric, the study of how a persons first language and.
This volume explores contrastive rhetoric for audiences in both esl contexts and international efl contexts, exposing the newest developments in theories of culture and discourse and pushing the boundaries beyond any. Citeseerx articles new directions in contrastive rhetoric 493. Intercultural rhetoric and espeap ulla connor, phd chancellors professor of english, indiana universitypurdue university indianapolis barbara e. Click download or read now button to sign up and download read contrastive rhetoric books. For the better part of its life span, intercultural rhetoric research has been dominated by ulla. Kaplan in connor, 1996 reasserted that contrastive rhetoric was not meant as a teaching. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Contrastive rhetoric is an area of research in secondlanguage acquisition that identifies problems in composition encountered by secondlanguage writers and, by referring to the rhetorical strategies of the first language, attempts to explain them connor 1996. Intercultural rhetoric connor major reference works. Contrastive rhetoric encourages inquiry into various levels of discourse and text, examining the conventions and rhetorical structures of l1 and their influence on the. What we need and dont need intercultural rhetoric for.
This book is a followup to her 1996 book contrastive. It presents a comprehensive view of the research in this field, emphasizing the connections between contrastive rhetoric and the related disciplines of composition studies, cultural anthropology, translation studies, and text linguistics. The book is an introduction to the field of contrastive rhetoric, an area of ulla connor. This volume explores the field of contrastive rhetoric, the study of how a persons first language and culture influence his or her writing in a second, isbn 9780521441452. Ir in l2 writing pedagogy examines the influences of language, culture, and education on the production of texts with the aim of advancing intercultural communication research as well as informing writers, editors, translators, instructors, and also language learners. A brief essay by ulla connor, contrastive rhetoric redefined, helps make the transition from contrastive rhetoric as a tool for understanding english as a second language rhetorical and pedagogical issues to a means for culturally diverse exploration. Cambridge core elt applied linguistics contrastive rhetoric by ulla m. Since 1966, when kaplans original work on contrastive rhetoric appeared, and 1996, when ulla connor s book on contrastive rhetoric reinvigorated interest in the area, new trends have appeared in research approaches and methods. This book synthesizes the findings of contrastive rhetoric research up to the mid1990s and explores its relationship with other disciplines such as composition, text linguistics, translation studies, and genre studies. The focus are the role of first language conventions of discourse and rhetoric structure on second language usage, as well as cognitive and cultural dimensions of transfer, particularly in. Nov, 2012 contrastive rhetoric contrastive rhetoric is the study of how a persons first language and culture influence hisher writing in a second language. Communication from ancient times to the information age, ed. Ir in l2 writing pedagogy examines the influences of language, culture, and education on the production of texts with the aim of advancing intercultural communication research as well as informing writers, editors. Pdf on dec 23, 2008, will baker and others published contrastive rhetoric.
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